NFTwiki Update: How to earn on NFTwiki
3 min readApr 18, 2022

Hello, NFTwiki fam, yes, the latest NFTwiki tips are here!🤩

NFTwiki, the largest NFT consensus platform, with over 20,000 users earning $ETH and $NFTK rewards by appreciating NFT.

What behaviour does NFTwiki reward?

It’ s certainly following NFT consensus behaviours.

👍 Like or 👎 Dislike NFT

💬 Comment on NFT

🌟 Add NFT to Wish List

👍 Like or 👎 Dislike NFT Comment

💬 Reply NFT Comment

NFT consensus behaviours

What are the rules for NFTwiki rewards?

According to the time of the speed of Ether block generation as a round. The average time per round is expected to be 1 hour.

Ether block generation

Each round ends with the sharing of the reward pool(determined) for that round based on the user consensus score.

The consensus score is defined by two factors: the consensus behaviour and the level weights.

Consensus Score = (Likes *WGT_LIKE + Comments * WGT_COMMENT + Replies * WGT_REPLY) * WGT_USER

Users are limited in the amount of COMMENTS and LIKES (DISLIKE) they can get per round of rewards, with a maximum comment amount of 5, a maximum like amount of 10, and a maximum wish amount of 5.

It is worth noting that the score for comments is higher than LIKE, because the requirements for comments are more stringent.

So, how to get more rewards?

  1. The higher the level, the higher the weight and the more rewards.

There is only one factor that affects the level, and that is xp.

How to get xp?

High-quality comments will receive upvote from influencers. Users who have reached level 10 or higher on NFTwiki are called influencers and are given 30 votes per day to vote on comments, one vote adds 5xp.

It’ s important to note here that we removed the rule that influencer downvote deducts xp starting on April 19.

Another new way to get xp is to log in continuously and generate behaviours. We will start it on April 19.

You just need to log in and generate behaviours every day, you will get 2xp per day. Sure, if you log in continuously, you’ll get more XP. We will count and add xp on a weekly base.

Login to get XP

2. Become a contributor to the consensus board.

We will publish the top 5 NFTs with the highest consensus rankings for the previous week every Monday.

NFTwiki Consensus Board

Then the top 50 users who COMMENT and LIKE these 5 NFTs will be each rewarded with 100 $NFTK.

3. Join the NFTwiki community and join community events!

NFTwiki holds weekly events on telegram or discord, and we welcome you to come and join us.

If you still want to know more tips on earning, join the community for more information!

